Sources: Rawstory.com, YourHHRSNews
On his show Colbert Nation, host Stephen Colbert noted that the Republicans are having a genuinely difficult time finding real “horror stories” related to President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare…
He played a video of Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers telling the story of “Betty” in Spokane, Washington, who allegedly saw her insurance premiums skyrocket because of Obamacare. Local reporting revealed that Betty had deliberately refused to avail herself of subsidies that were available from the government to pay for her insurance saying that she “wouldn’t go on the Obamacare website at all.”
Colbert defines having to actually use the ACA website as a “flaw” in its system, then plays a commercial featuring people opening letters stating that their healthcare policies have been cancelled. It turns out they wre actually paid actors. “The ad isn’t based on anyone’s real story,” he explains, “it’s based on everyone’s fake story.”
Colbert went the extra mile, however, and managed to find an “actual” victim. He welcomed Louisiana’s “Chuck DuPrey,” played by actor Patrick Stewart, who hastened to assure everyone that he was not an actor. “I have never trod the boards — I am an average American Joe who prefers to crack open a domestic beer and watch the NASCARs.”
Stewart goes on to explain that the salt air at his job “on the work-site” has given him a severe case of “fisherman’s foot,” a condition which has no cure and is not covered under Obamacare (quite possibly because it’s quite nonexistent).
His performance becomes increasingly wobbly. When Stewart forgot what to say after “And it’s all because of the the Affordable Care…” Colbert hissed, “ACT!” To which Stewart roars, “I am trying, dammit!”
Finally, as the last of life ebbs from his exhausted frame, the former Royal Shakespeare Company actor takes to a nearby fainting couch, crying out with his final breath, “Repeal! And replace!”