April 27 Fifth Hoboken Music Jam Benefit for Special Needs Children


Source: Joseph Hand, HobokenJam.org

Imagine a life in a wheel chair… or with special braces to be able to walk… Imagine not being able to be a normal kid. Now… Imagine someone being able to reach into that child’s life and show them how to make it better. Give them what they need to feel normal… to feel like one of the other kids. To be able to do things that they were not able to do previously.

Now Imagine being that person that made that difference! And as a bonus, we’ll throw in an amazing day of your favorite musicians and bands from your childhood, playing the best of classic rock!

In 2015, the Hoboken All Star Music Jam was the first of its kind, bringing together over 50 musicians to raise money for the Special Needs Children in the community. The Hoboken Elks Lodge #74, a pillar in the community since 1868, team teamed with the Jam in the fundraising efforts: from helping with the polio epidemic in the 1940’s to the clinical and vocational programs of today, clearly, great work has been done.

The first Jam came together as a idea from Michael Taglieri, who reached out to a bunch of friends and the word spread like wildfire to the far reaches of the distant past… where the magic of music came alive in the town of Hoboken’s pre-modernization era… The 70’s & 80’s were, musically, a great time in this town we all love. Seemingly everyone that was a part of that scene wanted to be a part of the Hoboken All Star Music Jam… and this amazing event was born!

But I’m not the only one… because every year, a bunch of my old friends come together and make music and miracles…So far, we are slightly over a total of $76,000 raised over the last 4 jams.

We have a simple goal this year…to break through the $100,000.00 ceiling. With your help, we can do it! Don’t just buy the tickets — this year, spread the word and get everyone you know to join us beginning 2PM at the Hoboken Elks Lodge #74, 1005 Washington Street, on Saturday April 27. We will not disappoint!!!

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