Source: Special Olympics of NJ
New Jersey was the proud host of the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games. It was at those Games, the largest USA Games in our history, that the sport of triathlon was introduced as a Special Olympics event. This historic event showcased awe-inspiring displays of courage, bravery and determination, leaving a legacy for Special Olympics New Jersey to carry on.
One More Tri is more than a race – it’s a Unified Triathlon Experience where triathletes of all skill levels compete side-by-side with Special Olympics athletes. This race is inspired by a simple principle: the act of competing together ensures a quick path to understanding, acceptance and friendship.
There will three different courses to choose from, consisting of an ocean swim, a bike ride, and a three-mile run.
One More Tri wouldn’t be possible without the hundreds of volunteers who offer their time, energy and talent to help every One More Tri athlete achieve their dreams — they are our life blood!
With hundreds of competitors across a race course which spans nearly ten miles, we need lots of energetic volunteers to help us create a triathlon experience that is smooth, uplifting, and most important, safe!
Volunteers are needed just about everywhere – from the pre-race experience, to the start, along the course, and at the finish line. Regardless of the volunteer role, you will be able to witness our Special Olympics athletes shattering stereotypes, breaking down barriers and demonstrating the power that sport has to unify us all.
One More Tri is a great opportunity for volunteer groups from companies, sororities, fraternities, triathlon clubs, churches, and schools. If you are part of a group that loves helping others achieve their goals and dreams, fill out our form, and we’ll be in touch.
For the safety of our volunteers and our participants, we do have some age guidelines in place. Volunteers that are 16 years old and up are free to volunteer on their own. Volunteers that are between the ages of 14-15 are welcome and must be accompanied by an adult.
Special Olympics of New Jersey One More Tri Triathalon
Sunday September 16, 2018
Asbury and Ocean Ave., Asbury Park NJ
Register as a volunteer, or to make online donation.