Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists: Common Misconceptions About Neurosurgery

Source: GMS News Health
Neurosurgeons are highly trained medical professionals specializing in the brain, spine, and peripheral nervous system.The work they perform is regarded as some of the most complex within the medical field, in part because of how specialized and intricate these parts of the body are.
Many symptoms involving the field of neurosurgery, such as the experience of back pain, can be very complex and it doesn’t help that there are many misconceptions surrounding the specialty. In the belief that patient education is effective in helping to find proper treatment, Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) has launched an awareness campaign, putting to rest a number of the more common misconceptions surrounding the field of neurosurgery.

Misconception: You should only go to a neurosurgeon as a last resort or when surgery is needed.

Neurosurgeons are not simply surgeons.Their role in diagnosing and treating disease is far more extensive than performing surgery. Neurosurgeons are frequently called to consult with other specialists due to their extensive knowledge.They are the most qualified to set up the right treatment plan for you with surgery as the last resort. Contrary to this common misconception, a neurosurgeon is the first specialist you should see to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

Misconception: You must travel to big cities to find quality specialists.

ANS is one of the nation’s leading neurosurgical practices. Their sub-specialized practice consists of board-certified neurosurgeons, including five fellowship-trained spine specialists and three fellowship-trained endovascular surgeons. With access to state-of-the-art equipment and the best treatment options available, patients no longer have to travel to big cities to get the advanced care they’re looking for.

Misconception: Neurosurgeons are mostly brain surgeons.

It is a common misconception that neurosurgery focuses only on conditions associated with the brain, while, in fact, over 70 percent of neurosurgical procedures involve treating spine and spinal cord health conditions. Neurosurgeons have the advanced training needed to understand the intricate relationship between the spine and the complex network of nerves that make up the spinal cord.

Misconception: All doctors performing spine surgeries are surgeons.

Most patients would be surprised to know that their doctor performing spine surgery may not even have undergone a surgical training program. Many doctors advertising spine surgery and quick fixes are not surgeons. This is one of the reasons failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is becoming increasingly more common. Neurosurgical residencies are a six- to seven-year programs with specialized training in surgical techniques and spine surgery. Don’t trust the surgical management of your spine and spinal cord to a doctor who may have just attended an industry-sponsored weekend course on some new technique.

Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists is the largest private neurosurgical practice in New Jersey. For information, visit or call 732-455-8225.

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