Summer Blood Donations: New Jersey Red Cross: Blood Donor App · Vitalant/Community Blood Services · Needed: Volunteer Drivers and Recovered COVID Patients
There is no inherent risk of getting coronavirus from the donation procedure itself, but we follow CDC guidelines and take extra precautions to protect our staff and donors:
Temperature Checks: You must be under 99.5˚F to enter.
Social Distancing: To create space, donors are required to have appointments and may even wait in their vehicles before they donate.
Continuous Sanitation: We are using sterile, one-time use collection sets for every donation and wiping down all high-touch areas often and after every collection.
Masks Required: Donors and staff are required to wear a face covering.
The award-winning blood donation app (2 million downloads!) has many exciting features. including:
· Find local blood drives and donation centers quickly and easily
· Convenient, easy appointment scheduling and rescheduling
· Complete your RapidPass® Get notified when your blood is on its way to a patient
· Keep record of results from your mini-physical
· Receive appointment reminders Keep track of total blood donations
· Receive special blood shortage alert messages
· Join or create a lifesaving team, recruit other blood donors and view rankings on the Blood Donor Teams Leaderboard
The app is free and available for download on iPhone® and Android™ devices.
Donate blood 6/1 – 6/30 and get a $5 Aamzon Gift Card* by email
Have you been diagnosed with, and recovered from, COVID-19? You can play a vital role in our program using convalescent plasma from COVID-19 survivors to help those currently fighting the virus. Learn more about this opportunity to #donateCOVIDplasma: