Leading the list of 2016’s most noteworthy YourHHRS News stories is the anti-underage drinking campaign of the N.J. Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, which encourages a team effort of peers, schools, families, volunteers, and law enforcement. And on the rise is “Drunkorexia” — engaging in compulsive behaviors to get drunk faster.
The death of a pet is not really no different than that of losing a close family member, and New Jersey doctor Dr. Stephanie Koempel has consecrated that relationship by founding Honoring the Human-Animal Bond.com, where pet owners can support and share their stories online.
African-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans make up a quarter of the U.S. population but only 6 percent of doctors, according to the Association of Medical Colleges. Can anything be done to build a smoother career path for more minority health professionals?
New Jersey Lawmakers have sponsored a bill regulating “Telemedicine“ — making it easier for certain homebound patients to see a doctor online rather in person while being held to the same standards as in-person visits.
New Jersey’ latest offensive against its opioid epidemic problem is Speakers For Change, a source of up-to-date speakers and consultants on the subjects of prevention and recovery to local community groups, professional organizations, and businesses. And not a moment too soon, now that newborns has become New Jersey’s fastest-growing group of heroin addicts.
Dr. Delaney Ruston, a physician, filmmaker and mother of a teen, created the documentary ScreenAgers, which takes a hard look at the addictive effect the Internet and social media can have on the young. But don’t look for it in theaters — it’s available to individuals and groups who host screenings.