Featured Video: Mental Health Awareness 2020


Mental Health Awareness: NJ Mental Health Cares · State Resources · County Resources · NJ Dept. Human Services · Online Symptom Screening

The Mental Health Association in New Jersey, NJMentalHealthCares, offers free, anonymous online mental health screenings in cooperation with Mental Health America. Self-assessments are available for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, PTSD and bipolar disorder, as well as screens for youth and parents.

The NJ MentalHealthCares Help Line staff offers telephone counseling, information and referral and assistance in helping to get the behavioral health services needed by you or a loved one. For assistance or more information, please call our toll-free, confidential number: 866-202-HELP (4357) (TTY 877-294-4356).

NJ Mental Health CaresThe New Jersey MentalHealthCares Helpline is funded by the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Assistance is available in many languages. A TTY line is available for the deaf and hearing impaired at (877) 294-4356 Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8AM-8PM.

Our staff of behavioral care specialists uses their experience and understanding of the behavioral health system to provide callers information and connect them to the behavioral health and services they need, such as: legal, housing, employment, rehabilitation, inpatient and outpatient, self-help and more. Our professional staff also provides supportive counseling, education, advocacy and telephone case management to ensure every caller is linked to their desired service plan.

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