Roxbury “Rod Run” Car Show For Food Pantry and Pediatric Cancer; Girl Scout Cookies For Blood Donation

The Father’s Day Rod Run of the North Jersey Street Rod Association returns this year, after a 2-year hiatus due to COVID-19, said association president Tom Harvey.

The June 19 event, which will run from 8AM to 3PM at Horseshoe Lake Park in Succasunna, will be a fundraiser for the Roxbury Food Pantry and for Jonas Carvalho, a 3-year-old boy diagnosed with Wilms Tumor, a childhood cancer, Harvey said.

Spectators and participants are requested to bring canned goods to support the Food Pantry. Show car admission is $20 and spectator is admission is $5 with children under 12 being free.

Activities will include valve cover racing for children, 50/50 and door prizes, a gift card raffle, NSRA inspection, pin striping, an auction at noon “and lots of beautiful cars and trucks to check out,” Harvey said.

Food and beverages will be available; alcohol and pets are not permitted. Vendors are welcome and must have a New Jersey Tax ID number. The entry fee for vendors is $25. Vendors should contact Randy Stacey at 973-361-3773 for more information.

“Past Rod Runs have been a huge success,” Harvey said. “Thanks to the participants and spectators, the North Jersey Street Rod Association has been able to help many children through their life-threatening illnesses.”

Through June 25, New Jersey Blood Services is giving away a box of Girl Scout Cookies® to all presenting donors at a donor center. Don’t wait until this sweet deal is gone —  book your appointment in Howell; New Brunswick; Paramus; or Scotch Plains today!


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