Featured Video: SEIU Nurses Explain Affordable Care Act Benefits


“The healthcare law means that working families can move forward toward more affordable, secure healthcare and better health, not backward to the status quo of skyrocketing premiums, insurance denials and unchecked profits for insurance companies.”
– Service Employees International Union President Mary Kay Henry

ACA Benefits Overview

Beginning October 1, 2013:
Health insurance marketplaces are open for business offering quality, affordable health insurance coverage to individuals whose employers do not offer health insurance they can afford and small businesses.
Marketplaces will help individuals and small groups compare plans and provide more affordable coverage by pooling participants and spreading costs. People can enroll in these plans starting Oct. 1; coverage will begin Jan. 1, 2014.
States will receive two additional years of funding to provide health insurance for children that do not qualify for Medicaid coverage through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

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