Speech And Hearing Awareness


Speech And Hearing Awareness: American Speech Language Hearing Association

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New Jersey Audiologists · New Jersey Speech/Hearing Specialists

Symptoms of Hearing, Language, or Speech Disorders


Lack of attention to sounds (birth-1 year)
Does not smile or interact with others (birth and older)
Shows delays in speech and language development (birth-3 years)
Does not babble (4-7 months)
Does not respond when you call his/her name (7 months-1 year)
Makes only a few sounds or gestures, like pointing (7-12 months)
Does not understand what others say (7 months-2 years)
Says only a few words (12-18 months)
Does not follow simple directions (1-2 years)
Words are not easily understood (18 months-2 years)
Does not put words together to make sentences (1.5-3 years)
Has trouble playing and talking with other children (2-3 years)
Has trouble with early reading and writing skills (2.5-3 years)
Pulls or scratches at his/her ears
Difficulty achieving academically, especially in reading and math
Socially isolated and unhappy in school
Persistent ear discomfort after exposure to loud noise (regular and constant listening to electronics at high volumes)


Buzzing or ringing in their ears
Failure to respond to spoken words
Persistent ear discomfort after exposure to loud noise (regular and constant listening to electronics at high volumes)
Muffled hearing
Constant frustration hearing speech and other sounds
Avoids conversation
Social isolation
Struggles to say sounds or words (stuttering)
Repetition of words or parts of words (stuttering)
Speaks in short, fragmented phrases (expressive aphasia)
Says words in the wrong order (expressive aphasia)
Struggles with using words and understanding others (global aphasia)
Difficulty imitating speech sounds (apraxia)
Inconsistent errors (apraxia)
Slow rate of speech (apraxia)
Slurred speech (dysarthria)
Slow or rapid rate of speech, often with a mumbling quality (dysarthria)

Source: Identify The Signs.org

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