Take the zing out of stings, and other summertime tips for parents

Source: NJ Famiy.com
‘Tick’ Top Shape
Most tick-borne illnesses in NJ come from 3 types of ticks: the blacklegged deer tick, lone star tick, and American dog tick. To protect children, use a chemical repellent and avoid tick-infested areas. Check kids daily for ticks, and remove any attached ticks at the skin’s surface with tweezers.
When a wasp or bee strikes:

  • Remove any remaining stinger by scraping with a credit card, since tweezers can trigger additional venom release.
  • Wash with soap and water, and apply a cool compress.
  • Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen, and ask your pediatrician about using Benadryl or hydrocortisone cream.
  • Call 911 for allergic reactions, including difficulty breathing; swelling of lips, tongue, or face; dizziness; nausea; or vomiting.

Seasonal Spread
Summertime illnesses in children are likely caused by enteroviruses which often produce mild upper respiratory infections or fevers with rash.
These common viruses are very contagious and are usually transferred through shared drinking glasses or phones but can also spread during diaper changes.
In most cases, the viruses run their course within a few days and need no treatment. Rarely, enteroviruses are linked to more serious illnesses.
Hot Spots
Heat rash occurs on hot, humid days when sweat glands clog and swell. The itchy rash looks like a cluster of pimples and usually develops on clothed areas of the body. For immediate relief, shed layers, seek shelter in the shade, and apply calamine lotion. The rash typically goes away within 3–4 days. Meanwhile, use hydrocortisone cream (with doctor’s approval).
All Ears
Pool and ocean activities can lead to otitis externa, a.k.a. swimmer’s ear, when water lodged in the ear canal encourages bacterial growth. Symptoms include itching, pain that intensifies when the earlobe is pulled, and discharge from the ear canal. Go to the doctor for prescription ear drops.

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