Video: Dancing New Jersey EMT Video Goes Viral


Source: New Jersey

(Emergency medical technician) Jonathan Williams has a very important job. Is it right for him to release some stress at an appropriate moment?

A video of Williams driving, dancing, and talking on a handset at the same time was filmed last week and uploaded to YouTube. The video has gone viral.

Williams got into a dancing mood after a remix of Rihanna’s song Pour It Up came on the radio. According to, Williams began moving and twisting around in his seat, removing both hands from the steering wheel. He received a reprimand from his supervisor.

“I was out of service and heading home,” Williams said to CBS New York. “I’d never do that with a patient on board.” His friend Bianca Lotin says the way people see Williams in the video is how he is in real life.

Williams works for a private ambulance company. Montclair Ambulance Unit Deputy Chief Frank Carlo did not care for Williams’ conduct. “It doesn’t help our industry,” Carlo said, according to WLOX 13. “We stress safety with our staff, the public puts their trust in us, we put our trust in our EMTs and we want that returned.”

But Wiliams has received support from a surprising source: Rihanna. She posted on Twitter, according to Mail Online, “This Paramedic guy just reminded me why God sent me here! I can’t stop now! Not now, not nevah!!!!” The EMT said was “utterly flabbergasted” with Rihanna’s reaction to his video…(which) has been seen more than 1.6 million times as of this writing.

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