CranioFacial Conditions: Palate/Lip Clefts · CranioFacial Disorders · New Jersey Resources
Books by R.J. Palacio: Wonder · Auggie And Me · 365 Days Of Wonder
A craniofacial condition refers to an abnormality of the face and/or the head. Craniofacial differences can result from abnormal growth patterns of the face or skull, which can involve soft tissue or bones. They can also be the result of a birth defect, disease or trauma.
The Children’s CranioFacial Association (CCA was founded in 1989 to address unmet needs of families across the United States who were affected by craniofacial differences, bringing them aboard while their children are young so they can fully benefit from our programs and services during each stage of their lives. Twenty-five years later, although technology has changed drastically, we’ve raised a whole generation of CCA kids — with the young adults who are now role models and mentors for the younger ones.
AmeriFace ( was founded in 1991 to provide educational and emotional support to persons born with craniofacial anomalies and their families, and in 2004 partnered with We address healthcare disparities in the craniofacial patient population by helping to secure insurance coverage and/or other medical financing through social programs and like-minded charities.
The National Cranio Facial Association ( has had a FACES Adopt A Face program program since 1993. It enables businesses, organizations, and individuals to contribute directly a FACES client for provide transportation, food & lodging for one child and one parent to travel to a specialized craniofacial medical center for life-changing surgery. Please click here to donate.
The Wonder “Auggie Pullman” books are slated to become the subject of a feature film.