Asbury Park: Benefit Concert for Stone Pony Staffer



This is a special benefit for our good friend and long time Stone Pony stage management / lighting / venue security staffer Dwight “Big Dee” Kelly.

Dwight has a long standing history at The Stone Pony spanning 20+ years and 1000’s of artists, both locally and nationally. He has recently endured through some very serious medical complications that have forced him to step back from his duties at the Pony and focus on his health and recovery.

Dwight’s dedication and commitment to the Asbury Park music community cannot be denied. He has helped and touched the lives of many artists during his tenure at The Stone Pony.

Let’s all come together in a celebration of Dwight’s accomplishments over the years, and lend a helping hand to a friend in need.

Can’t make it? Click here to donate online.

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