The ScreenNJ Mobile Health Unit: Free Access To Cancer Screening Begins Next Month


ScreenNJ provides free access to cancer screening to help patients overcome barriers and assist New Jersey residents to get screened.

ScreenNJ partners with and supports healthcare provider agencies, public health agencies, and community organizations throughout the state of New Jersey that provide education, refer patients, or directly provide cancer screening and prevention services, as well as groups that help organizations initiate, expand, and/or support these types of outcomes, evidence-based screening and outreach services.

The ScreenNJ Mobile Health Unit is a mobile medical office designed to provide easy access to preventative cancer screenings, vaccinations and more. The self-contained unit travels throughout New Jersey providing state of the art services to the medically underserved.

Our mobile health unit is unique in that it provides preventative cancer screening services, history and physical examinations, patient navigation support for care coordination, education and outreach.

Cancer screening services include HPV/Cervical, Prostate, Colorectal, Lung, Breast, Skin and referrals for genetic testing.

The length of the visit will vary depending on the nature of the care received. In general, each medical visit is approximately 20 to 30 minutes, not including wait time depending on the queue.

Our Mobile Health Team includes an Advanced Practice Nurse (Clinical lead), Patient Navigator/Medical Assistant, Community Services Coordinator, and the Mobile unit driver. On occasion our outreach team may be available to share education and health literacy information to the community.

No medical insurance is required. Cancer screenings are provided to those who fall within the screening guidelines. There are no costs to preventative screening services offered on the mobile health unit. No appointments are needed to receive services. The Unit is wheelchair accessible.

If followup care is needed, patients will be referred to their local provider and healthcare facilities for further evaluation.

To request an outreach visit by our ScreenNJ Mobile Health Unit please register at Rutgers.ca1/ online.
For additional information, you can e-mail Patient Navigation @cinj. rutgers. edu

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