Featured Video: Rock Your Disability Awareness


#RockYourDisability Awareness: NJ Division of Disability Services · CDC.gov · Musician Jessie Malin: Donate · Charcot Marie Tooth Association: Donate

Sources: Pinelands Alliance; NJ Division of Disability Services

Approximately 24% of U.S. adults — 61 million Americans — have a disability that impacts major life activities, according to a U.S. Centers For Diease Control (CDC) report. With age, disability becomes more common, affecting about 2 in 5 adults aged 65 and older.

Such statistics make it hard to find anyone who is not in some way affected — whether it be their own disability or that of a loved one, family member, or friend.

In 1990, it was established that the month of July should acknowledge disability awareness by the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This federal law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities, including in employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications, and in access to state and local government services.

Disability Pride, also known as Rock Your Disability, should be seen as a refutation of the concept that an individual should feel ostracized or ashamed of their personal being and abilities, and rejects the idea that an individual is less worthy or less able to contribute and participate in daily societal activities.

The Division of Disability Services (DDS) of the the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) provides a single point of entry for people seeking disability related information in New Jersey, serving individuals with all disabilities statewide.

DDS works to streamline access to services and information that promote and enhance independent living for individuals with disabilities by facilitating coordination and cooperation among local, county and state government agencies.

DDS publications feature New Jersey Resources, a regularly-updated comprehensive guide detailing the programs and services which DHS offers residents, caregivers, advocates, and individuals with disabilities, statewide. Publications are available in English and Spanish and in both print and digital formats.

Editor’s Note: John “Turbo” Shatestsky, online DJ and co-founder of Rock Against Dystrophy, passed away on July 28, 2023.

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