Featured Video: 2021 Summer Blood Drive


Summer Blood Drive: New Jersey Red Cross · Blood Donor App · New Jersey Blood Services · Vitalant · Financial Donations

The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation eligibility guidance for those who receive a COVID-19 vaccination. If you receive a vaccine, knowing the name of the manufacturer (e.g. Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson) is important in determining your eligibility. In most cases, there’s no deferral time if you receive a vaccine.

All donations are being tested for COVID-19 antibodies. Blood donations that test positive for COVID-19 antibodies could provide convalescent plasma for critically ill coronavirus patients

1. Check in for your appointment.

2. Meet with trained staff to complete health screening and questionnaire.

3. Donor care specialist will review results and determine the best way for you to donate.

4. Relax while your specialist prepares materials and equipment.

5. Specialist will clean an area on your arm and insert a sterile needle to begin.

6. Samples of your blood will be collected for testing.

7. You will then complete the whole blood donation process, which can take up to 15 minutes (usually 1O).

8. Enjoy light refreshments to replenish fluids and nutrients

9. You’re done! Feel proud knowing you’ve saved up to three lives, and encourage friends and family to donate!

After you’re finished, your donation is typed, tested, processed and distributed. Thank you for being part of something bigger than yourself.

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