Source: North
The Bloomfield Health & Human Services offers residents of Bloomfield, Caldwell and Glen Ridge, 19-years and older, protection against diseases through its Adult Vaccination Program. There is a small, one-time, registration fee. Vaccines are free. Contact the Bloomfield Public Health Nursing Office for program eligibility requirements.
These vaccines protect against Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Human Papilloma Virus, Meningococcal (meningitis), Pneumococcal (pneumonia), Tdap, Varivax (chicken pox), Zostavax (shingles) and MMR (measles, mumps, rubella).
To prevent disease and promote physical and mental well being through policy development, disease detection, prevention, education, and enforcement; in a culturally competent manner that ensures the highest quality of life for the residents we serve.
The Health Department hosts a variety of health education programs for the community. Programs such as Alcohol Abuse Control, Drug Abuse Control, Smoking Prevention and Cessation, Nutrition, Injury Control, HIV/AIDS Education, Chronic Disease Management are oftentimes coordinated in collaboration with other agencies servicing the community.
Our goal is to help individuals of all ages increase life expectancy and improve their quality of life. We can also create a program to fit your needs.