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N.J. Mammography Clinics · N.J. Breast Cancer Doctors
Breast cancer: it’s a scary thought — and even scarier, too many women assume that it won’t happen to them. But the fact is, though, every ten minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United Kingdom alone.
Early signs of breast cancer can be a lump in a breast, a painful breast or armpit, or a discharge from the nipple. Even if none of these symptoms present themselves, a doctor should be visited immediately, who will most likely perform a manual exam and send you for a mammogram. A mammogram examination is painless and only takes about ten minutes.
If any of these symptoms do present themselves there’s no need to panic. Most of the time, pain or a lump in a breast can be perfectly harmless — the pain can be a sign of a cyst, or the lump can be benign. It’s always better to be sure though.
If the mammogram shows a lump, your doctor will order a biopsy. This test will show if the lump is benign (harmless) or malignant (cancerous). If the lump is cancerous there’s still no reason to panic. Early detection is a life saver. By way of a simple operation the lump is removed after which the doctor will discuss further options with you.
If you’ve never had a mammogram, make an appointment during Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2018. You can take a friend or family member with you and afterward you’ll have peace of mind. So, don’t be ignorant: during Breast Cancer Awareness month this year, go for a medical checkup — it might save your life.