Cape May Man's Heart-Stopping Story of Cardiac Arrest – Part 2

Source: Cape May County Herald


Slowly, over the next two days, Brendan McBride showed more signs of awakening, opening his eyes and moving his body. He finally woke March 13 and was able to have some quiet talk, although he was still in and out. The next day he was able to stand, and the following day he moved from the Intensive Care Unit to a regular room.
Lauren Maguire was able to bring their son, Desmond, to the hospital on March 19. “It was a beautiful day…Thank God Brendan didn’t have a heart attack while he was driving with Desmond, or even while he was home with Desmond. I can’t imagine a 5-year-old being home alone with daddy suffering a severe heart attack, and I am so grateful this was not the case.”
McBride was released from the hospital March 20 and has spent the time at home trying to recover. “I’m trying to sleep a lot,” he said when contacted March 23. “While I appreciate all the well-wishers calling, it’s wearing me down a bit. I need to get my strength back.”
While Maguire said nobody imagined that he would be released so quickly, the doctor has already put McBride “on notice that he likely won’t be able to return to work for months, if not a full year or more.McBride visited his cardiologist March 27 to learn his next steps. For now, he knows he has to make major lifestyle changes.
“I’ve been making calls to find out about disability and insurance, but we are estimating $30,000 to $40,000 in co-pays for the hospital stay alone,” McBride said. “It’s going to be a long road to recovery.”

“No more smoking, no more drinking, and eating better. I’ve gone to a monk’s lifestyle overnight, but I’m willing to make those changes when you consider the alternative.”

For now, McBride said he’s lucky to be staying with his brother, who is willing to help him get back on his feet.
“I believe in miracles and thank God for the second chance I am getting,” he said. “I know it’s been the prayers and the power of positive thoughts from my friends and family who have gotten me this far. I continue to need them as I face my recovery.”

Maguire has started a GoFundMe campaign to help McBride with co-pays of his medical insurance and other non-covered expenses.

Cape May Man's Heart-Stopping Story of Cardiac Arrest
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