Covid NJ: Vaccine Site Directory Part 2

Source: New Jersey Patch PART ONE (CVS Pharmacies) State officials have wrestled with short supply, daily glitches and crashes in its COVID-19 vaccination system and confusion about how to secure appointments. Here’s some information on securing an appointment in New Jersey. Who’s Eligible As Of Now? Paid and unpaid healthcare workers Residents and workers of […]

Covid NJ: New Jersey to increase available free mental health services amid pandemic

Source: The Hammonton News In order to meet the increased demand for accessible mental health assistance during the pandemic and its related shutdown order, the state’s Department of Community Affairs is allowing any mental health professional to offer free services to low-income patients and health care workers as part of their bi-annual recertification. Attorney General […]

Covid NJ: Parents now permitted to attend high school sports events

Source: Two parents or guardians per participating athlete may now attend indoor and outdoor high school sports competitions in New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy announced Friday. The relaxed guidance, which takes effect immediately, applies as long as total attendance at indoor events does not exceed 35 percent of capacity or 150 individuals. “This is something […]