2022 In Review: The Year’s “Jersey-est” Your HHRS News Awards

WOMAN OF THE YEAR: LAUREN SOTO, EDISON. You’d think that one of the first stomach-stapling patients would be monitored over the years. But Soto found herself with hernias that threatened her ability to breathe. She found doctors willing to fix her inevitably life-ending problem — but since they were not within her health insurance network, […]

2022 In Review: The Year’s Top News Stories And Awards

PART ONE Concluding our ninth year, Your HHRS News.com gratefully thanks its supporters and rings in the new year with the past year’s most noteworthy stories. Happy Tenth Anniversary to the Coming Full Circle Loud n Clear Foundation, a New Jersey nonprofit organization providing post-addiction relapse prevention programs utilizing everything from peer support to housing […]

Halloween Candy Safety Tips

Source: RLS Media Although Halloween is a time filled with exciting and fun activities, it’s a busy time for everyone, including the The New Jersey Poison Control Center (NJPIES) at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. “Halloween-related mishaps and accidents involving potential poisons go beyond the fear of contaminated candy,” says Diane Calello, NJPIES executive and […]