Featured Video: The Children's Specialized Hospital Network


Children’s Specialized Hospital Network

Children’s Specialized Hospital is the preeminent provider of rehabilitation services for children with special needs. The hospital serves children affected by brain injury, spinal cord injury, premature birth, autism, developmental delays, and life-changing illnesses.
Children’s Specialized Hospital has ten sites in New Jersey and treats 20,000 children each year, making it the largest pediatric rehabilitation system of its kind in the nation.
Services include outpatient services, acute rehabilitation, early intervention, neuro-rehabilitation and long-term care as well as outreach programs in many other communities.
An affiliate member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health System and a proud member of the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, the Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation supports the programs and services of the hospital. The Foundation is ranked among the top six pediatric hospital foundations in the country.
To help, or find more information: visit http://childrens-specialized.org. You can also find us on Facebook  at http://facebook.com/childrensspecialized, and you can follow us on Twitter @ChildrensSpecNJ. Our locations:

– Plum Street
– Somerset Street
Roselle Park
Toms River:
– Lakehurst Road
– Stevens Road
– Washington Street

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