New Jersey Congressional Rep. Donald Payne
For Colorectal Cancer Awareness
Fight Colorectal
New Jersey Congressmen Donald M. Payne, Jr. (NJ-10) and Leonard Lance (NJ-7) and their colleagues introduced a House resolution (H.Res.630) to designate March 2016 as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
“Today and every day, colorectal cancer survivors, their families, and advocacy groups deserve to be honored for their contributions to fighting this disease,” said Congressman Payne. “While colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer, it remains the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The truth is that many lives can be saved—both women and men—if people receive preventative cancer screenings, and they don’t wait too late in life before seeing their doctor.”
Congressman Payne told the American Cancer Society Action Network, “In my state alone, an estimated 4,430 residents will be diagnosed with colon cancer and another 1,600 will die from the disease this year. Not only is it devastating to the people and families who are afflicted with the disease, but treatment of colon cancer is also a growing economic concern since medical expenditures related to colorectal cancer cost about $14 billion annually.”
For photos posted and tagged with @FightCRC, #StrongArmSelfie and #OMScollection through March 31, Bayer HealthCare donated $1 to Fight Colorectal Cancer. You can view the collection here.
“The good news is colon cancer is very treatable if it is detected early. In fact, if Americans received regular screenings for colon cancer, half of all colon cancer deaths could be prevented. For every $1 spent on colorectal cancer screenings, $3 can be saved on treatment costs. Fortunately, adults over age 50 can now get their recommended colorectal cancer screenings at no cost. Additionally, the U.S Center For Disease Control Colorectal Cancer Control Program provides funding to conduct education, awareness, and screening programs for low-income and uninsured Americans.
“The bottom line is that preventing colorectal cancer and saving lives begins with raising public awareness about screenings and symptoms, and we can achieve that through federal, state, and local education efforts. I’m working diligently with my colleagues in the House so that we can continue to raise awareness, educate, and help save millions of lives.”