Condom Safety Awareness 2023


Celebrate Condom Safety Awareness: Custom Fit For Men · Internal Condoms For Women · Effectiveness (CDC) · Planned Parenthood: Northern NJ · Central/Southern NJ · American Sexual Health Association

Every year during Valentine’s Day week, we at Planned Parenthood observe National Condom Week. This is a great time to learn more about the importance of using condoms and other barrier methods and to help educate others – because everyone deserves to have a worry-free and healthy sex life.

Condoms are the only form of birth control that also prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). There are many varieties of condoms to choose from – latex, non-latex, ribbed, sizes, and more – to meet the needs of you and your partners. Other great options include barrier methods, like internal condoms or dental dams. One important thing to note however, is that while most condoms and barrier methods prevent the spread of STIs, lambskin condoms do not.

The best choice for protection from both STIs and unintended pregnancy is a latex or non-latex condom.

Correct condom use starts with healthy communication, making sure everyone has consent, and ensuring the condom is not expired or damaged. You may be surprised to learn that steps to ensuring you’re using an external condom correctly, are simple and easy to remember. It’s also important to know that using oil-based lubricants can damage condoms and cause them to break. Try using a water or silicone-based lube instead!

While condoms do offer great protection against STIs, they are not 100 percent effective, so STI testing is recommended each year or before each new sex partner.

Using condoms is a form of self-care, community care, and a way to contribute to public health. Everyone has the right to make important decisions about their own sexual health, and when we have open and honest conversations about our needs, we can make sure we have healthy and enjoyable experiences. Make sure you’re always communicating and engaging in an open dialogue about safer sex practices.

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