Featured Video: New Jersey YMCA Diabetes Awareness And Prevention


Diabetes Awareness: New Jersey YMCA Pre-Diabetes Program and Quiz

Diabetes.org:  Type 1 · Type 2 – DiabeticConnect.com Online Community

The New Jersey YMCA is encouraging residents to learn their risks for prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes, and to take preventive steps to potentially reduce developing the disease. You can assess your risk for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes by at taking a simple test at their Web site and learn how lifestyle choices help determine the ultimate risk developing the disease.
While the nation’s obesity epidemic and the rise in type 2 diabetes is well chronicled, the number of people with prediabetes remains a growing and often underreported condition. Currently only 7 percent of those with prediabetes know they have it, and people with prediabetes are at serious risk for not only developing Type 2 diabetes, but also heart disease, stroke and other conditions.
To help reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes, the Y offers some basic lifestyle changes that contribute to weight loss and healthy living:

  • Eat fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Choose fish, lean meats, and poultry without skin.
  • Aim for whole grains with every meal.
  • Be moderately active at least 30 minutes per day five days a week.
  • Choose water to drink instead of beverages with added sugar.
  • Speak to your doctor about your diabetes risk factors, especially if you have a family history or are overweight.

“The Y is dedicated to improving the nation’s health and well-being, and helping residents of New Jersey understand their risk of developing chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes is just one way we are improving the health of our community,” said Bill Lovett, Executive Director, New Jersey YMCA State Alliance. “Choosing to make healthy changes is the first step.”

The American Diabetes Association (Diabetes.org) leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes by diabetes by funding research, delivering services, providing objective, credible information, and advocating for diabetic patients.
Diabetic Connect (DiabeticConnect.com) is a social network that empowers people living with diabetes. By providing communication tools for our members, we make it easy for them to have conversations, share treatments, post recommendations .

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