Starring Jean Beccia, RN
Salmon Visiting Nurse And Hospice of Greater Milford
Thanks: Milford Daily News
You have the right to select the home health professionals you prefer to care for you…If you fall within (our) guidelines…you may ask to use our Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) services even if we are not initially presented as an option to you.
VNA and Hospice of Greater Milford has grown in size and expertise through our 90-plus year history, providing quality care to thousands of area residents.
While a great deal has changed over those years, we remain focused on providing unparalleled health care services in the home, assisting patients on their road to regained health and independence. In fact, we have been recognized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for improving care outcomes.
You won’t find a more caring and qualified staff of nurses, social workers, physical, occupational and speech therapists, and home care aides anywhere. Everyone on our staff is licensed or certified in their profession and thoroughly screened before they are approved to conduct home visits.
There are many home health care agencies, but few can offer our hallmark level of dedication and quality service. The history of this VNA, along with its new ownership by SALMON Health and Retirement, a family owned and operated company in Central Massachusetts since 1952, make us people on whom you can rely with confidence.