Featured Video: Prostate Cancer Awareness


Prostate Cancer Awareness: ZeroCancer.org
Symptoms · Prostate Health · Project Know 19

Sources: NJ.com; ZeroCancer.org
Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that usually starts in the outer part of the prostate and typically grows very slowly. Many men with the disease will never know that they have the condition.
Prostate cancer is characterized by “grade” and “stage” — the size and extent of the tumor. Early stage prostate cancer — Stage T1 and T2 — are limited to the prostate gland. Stage T3 has advanced to tissue immediately outside the gland and Stage T4 has spread to other parts of the body.
It’s easy to mistake the symptoms of prostate cancer for those of BPH (enlarged prostate), prostatitis, or overactive bladder. That’s why it’s important to have annual checkups, especially if you are experiencing:

Strong urges to urinate immediately
Frequent nighttime urination
Pain and/or burning when urinating
Difficulty starting the urinary stream
A weak urinary stream once it starts
Dribbling after you’re finished
Pain in the genital and pelvic area
Pain when ejaculating
Blood in the urine or semen
Frequent urinary tract infections

ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer is a national nonprofit organization with the mission to end prostate cancer. We lead the fight to end the disease by advancing research, encouraging action, and providing education and support to men and their families. Our premier programs include the ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk, the largest men’s health event series in America. We are a 501c3 charity recognized with four stars by Charity Navigator, a Better Business Bureau member, and 97 cents of every dollar donated goes to research and programs.

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