Source: Dr. Peggy
Mothers and daughters are invited to join Dr. DeLong for a FREE workshop to learn how to empower their own relationship and encourage their daughters.
Dr. Margaret (“Peggy”) DeLong, a clinical and forensic psychologist, has been an advocate for children’s safety and welfare for over 20 years. She has served as expert counsel to the State of New Jersey regarding parenting and child development. She is particularly committed to fostering and strengthening positive family relationships.
Teens have consistently been given the message that separating from parents is a developmental task, and this has been backed by psychological theory. In trying to meet this task, girls have pulled away from their mothers. Mothers in turn often pull back, believing that it is normal and healthy for their daughters to separate from them and reject them in order to achieve independence.
However, impressionable girls have better outcomes when they are connected and linked to their mothers during the tween and teen years. The mother-daughter relationship has a powerful impact on girls’ self-esteem, mental health, and relationship skills. Healthy adolescent development actually involves mothers and daughters becoming better at connecting.
Teens fare better when their mothers provide them with guidance, unconditional love, and connection, yet many mothers are not sure how to pave the way. What better person for a girl to turn to than her mother – a person who has more wisdom, experience, and factual knowledge than peers, who keeps her secrets, does not have hidden motives, and loves her unconditionally.
The information for the FREE workshop includes select material directly from Dr. DeLong’s ongoing series of The MotherDaughter Connection and MotherCARE (Care, Assistance, Resources, and Education). These sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening of every month at The Long Valley Teen Center, 214 W. Mill Rd, Long Valley, NJ (908) 876-4376. Each session addresses a specific topic, all within the context of strengthening the mother-daughter relationship. Topics include social media, communication, mental health, conflict resolution, body image, teen dating and safety, and substance use. New members are welcome to join at any time.
Currently, sessions are for mothers of girls in grades 6-9, with an expansion for girls in grades 4/5 coming soon. For more information about these groups, please visit her web site.
Dr. DeLong’s goal is to have her material available for implementation in every town and/or every household in New Jersey. She is moving her 14-year private practice from Liberty Corner to Long Valley in March 2016. The FREE workshop for mothers and daughters will take place on March 15th at 7PM at the Washington Township Public Library, 37 E Springtown Rd, Long Valley, NJ. Pre-registration is required and is open until March 14th. Click here to pre-register for this free informational event, or call 908-672-6344.
Dr. DeLong will also be providing an overview of The MotherDaughter Connection at Rutgers University School of Social Work Statewide Adolescent Networking Conference.