Source: GMN News Health
Should everyone have a thyroid test? “Yes,” says the American Thyroid Association (ATA). It recommends assessing thyroid function in all adults beginning at age 35 with follow-up testing every five years. Bartley Healthcare, in co-sponsorship with CentraState Medical Center, has dedicated a community education program that will provide free thyroid screening to the public. A light healthy dinner will also be served.
The program will take place Feb. 19 at 6 p.m. in the multi purpose room of Bartley Healthcare Nursing and Rehabilitation. Registration is required.To register, visit click here or call the Health Awareness Center at 732-308-0570.
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck area. It manufactures hormones that regulate your body’s metabolism. When the thyroid produces too much or not enough hormones, problems can occur. While the exact cause of most thyroid problems is not known, several risk factors have been linked to the disease such as: gender, age, personal or family history, smoking, iodine exposure and stress.
Participants in the screening will fill out a brief questionnaire.The physician will do a short lecture and Q&A, then meet with each participant individually and review your health history and manually examine your thyroid and give any necessary recommendations or referrals. Lab work,TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) will be drawn. Each patient will receive the lab results within two weeks as well as copies of the physician’s report.
For nearly 30 years, Bartley Healthcare provides skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and assisted living services for residents on its 25-acre campus in Jackson. For more information, or call 732-370-4700.
You can figure out your 10- year risk for cardiovascular disease using an online calculator from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology.
Dr. William A. Zoghbi argues the merits of the calculator. “It’s like a weather forecast: rain in four days. There’s no certainty, but a warning, a higher chance that rain will happen, ” says Dr. Zoghbi, former president of the American College of Cardiology.
The calculator has a similar function to alert you to a higher risk for heart disease. “If you see risk you have to do something to reduce it,” Dr. Zoghbi says.