At a recent medical conference Happiness And Its Causes, a wide range of experts including scientists, psychologists, philosophers, and even Tibetan Buddhists, offered their thoughts on the topic :
The Pace of Life Is Just Too Fast? Hit the Pause Button.
The same culture that entangles you in a web of complexity can take a toll on your soul and your psyche,” says Dr. Thupten Jinpa, PhD. Whether you call it prayer, meditation, or just plain silence, finding time to hit the pause button of your life remote just a few minutes a day can help you recharge your batteries and make you feel happier.
Negativity? Just Let It Go.
How you see things and the way you experience the world are strongly linked. This is why having a positive outlook is crucial. Pay attention to and take responsibility for your thoughts. Studies show that people who practiced being more grateful for even the smallest, simplest things felt better about their lives, exercised more, and were more optimistic.
Complexity? Simplify.
Schooled in Buddhist monasteries since childhood, Dr. Jinpa knows a thing or two about the benefits of simplicity:
“We often confuse quality of life with standard of life.”
Simplifying your life “creates more space in your day, making it possible to reflect on and better understand what it is you truly need.”
Despair? Have Hope.
The components essential for hope to thrive are having goals, a plan, and the motivation to achieve them. When you actively pursue goals, you can not only succeed, but you perform better in every aspect of your life, gain a greater tolerance for pain, and you naturally assume more health-promoting behaviors.
Suppressing Sadness? Be Honest With Your Feelings.
Having a positive outlook doesn’t mean you never allow yourself to feel sadness. Sadness helps makes you a whole person and allows you to acclimate and move forward in your life. According to Dr. James R. Doty:
“Happiness is not the absence of sadness — phony happiness is not good.”
That’s because suppressing sadness also suppresses other, more positive emotions. Finding outlets for sadness and frustration helps regain a measure of control. Control your feelings by addressing them, which can help you with finding specific solutions.
Feeling Too Isolated? Connect With Others.
The more you isolate yourself, mentally or physically, says Dr. Jinpa, “the more you become oblivious to the needs of others, the world shrinks still more, making you less able to see outside yourself. The most direct path to these connections? Compassion engages us with others, removes isolation, builds resilience, and leads to deep fulfillment. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, may have said it best:
“If you want to be happy, practice compassion; if you want others to be happy, practice compassion.”