Source: Jersey Shore Online
Seniors, front line coronavirus fighters and essential workers were among nearly 500 pre-registered residents to a special vaccination event at the Ocean Health Initiatives Administration (OHI) Office Building parking lot. OHI is a nonprofit federally qualified health center with seven locations, a Mobile Medical Unit and two school-based wellness programs in Ocean and Monmouth counties.
Around two dozen clinical and non-clinical staff were present to administer and assist with the vaccination process that day. The vaccine was from Moderna.
“We have pharmacists in our mobile van drawing up all the vaccines. It has to remain at a specific temperature so we try to keep it in tens. You get 10 doses out of every one vial, so if it is 485 we try to get that additional five because we don’t want to waste it. That is why we try to book in tens,” OHI’s chief executive officer Teresa Berger said.
Accompanied three other members of his family who also received the vaccine, Howell resident Richard Wood was one of the hundreds getting the vaccine that day. “This is great science and no one should be afraid to take this. Hopefully, this will slow the pandemic down from people getting it.”
“I’m a little apprehensive but I know it is necessary,” Genia Mazurek of Jackson said. “I want to protect myself as well as others. I think it is a great thing. You have to start somewhere. We have a lot ahead of us yet. I’m doing this because I also want to see my granddaughter. This is very well organized. You are in your car and not with people you don’t know and I feel safe,”
Sea Girt resident Paul Hooker, on line in the car with his wife Margo, awaiting their turn to be vaccinated. “In the state of New Jersey, this is not working because what they did was to sign up and they label you A, B or C. When the time comes for distribution, as long as you are 65 the protocol process completely ends there.” While grateful to receive the vaccine, that it should first go to police, first responders and health care workers.
According to OHI Vice President of Quality Assurance and Enabling Services Theresa Bello, “History has shown us that vaccines are the key to stopping the spread of viruses. Getting vaccinated is the most important thing we can all do to end the pandemic. We are vaccinating as many people as we can each week, we won’t stop until everyone who wants a vaccination has one.”