The City of Newark has received the results of a Lead and Copper Rule Compliance Study. It showed that the corrosion control presently used in a portion of the system is no longer effective.
The City will immediately launch a campaign to provide water filters certified for lead reduction to households known or suspected of having lead service lines, and work with community organizations and City employees to conduct a door-to-door canvass to deliver water filters to those with lead service lines.
Lead service lines and plumbing elements may occur in homes built before 1986, the year that lead lines were banned. This issue only affects homes with lead service lines or plumbing that contains lead.
This is an effort to reduce the risk of exposure during the period that new corrosion control measures are put in place. The filters can be picked up at the Department of Health and Community Wellness, located at 110 William Street, Newark, plus the locations listed below.
The New Jersey Department of Health recommends that impacted families use bottled water for infants who are being fed with formula and children under the age of six until water filters are received. The City of Newark will immediately make every possible effort to target pregnant or nursing women, families with young children, and senior citizens with information about how to obtain and use filters using every means of communication at our disposal.
Residents are advised to not flush their home water lines by running tap water as it could increase lead levels.
The City of Newark will continue to provide free lead water testing for anyone who suspects that his or her service line might be made of lead, plus help offset costs for property owners who replace their lead service lines. Residents can have their water tested at no charge by contacting the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities at (973) 733-6303 or emailing waterandsewer @ to request an inspection. A website with more information, including which homes have been affected, is at: