Source: Milville Reminder
The Salem-Cumberland Regional Action Toward Community Health (SCRATCH) Coalition partnered with Pennsville Memorial High School’s Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute Club for a Sticker Shock at Fornaro’s Wine and Spirits in Pennsville.
Youth place brightly colored stickers on cases of beer and boxes of wine reminding adults to “Keep It Legal” by not purchasing alcohol for anyone under the age of 21.
The stickers highlight potential legal consequences for anyone who breaks the law: up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.
This Sticker Shock took place as part of National Drug and Alcohol Fact Week, a national campaign that connects youth with local substance abuse prevention experts for educational events and conversations that empowering youth with facts about drugs and alcohol that combat what they may be seeing online, from television and movies, and from peers.
When asked why she chose to participate in this Sticker Shock, PMHS Senior Jennifer McGraw replied: “I really think this is a creative take on making sure we get the point across that buying alcohol for minors is in fact, illegal. Being as I did this two years ago and did this again today I think it’s really cool and informative for the ones buying alcohol and the youth doing this activity.”
Individuals who wait until age of 21 or older to drink alcohol are less likely to develop alcohol dependence later in life.
The SCRATCH Coalition strives to decrease substance abuse in Salem and Cumberland Counties, New Jersey. The Coalition is thankful for the support of local liquor stores like Fornaro’s who look for creative ways to collaborate to decrease underage drinking.
For more information about coordinating a Sticker Shock or to learn how to join our substance abuse prevention Coalition, contact SCRATCH Coalition Coordinator Donald Noblett: donald @