Featured Video: Public Health Awareness


Public Health Awareness: American Public Health Assn. (APHA.org)

Coronoavirus (COVID-19) Info · New Jersey Public Health Departments

In the U.S., where you live, your income, education, race and access to health care mean as much as a 15-year difference in how long you will live. Equally shocking: studies show that even wealthy, highly educated Americans with access to quality care suffer a health disadvantage to peers in other high-income countries. That’s why APHA created Generation Public Health.

We’re a national movement of people, communities and organizations working to ensure conditions where everyone has the opportunity to be healthy. Our vision is to create the healthiest nation in one generation.

Rates of chronic disease and other health outcomes vary greatly between communities that have access to affordable, healthy food and clinical and mental health supports and those that do not. Average life spans can vary by 20 to 30 years in communities that are mere miles apart due to these inequities.

Health equity is a guiding priority and core value of APHA. That is why we have once again teamed up with the Aetna Foundation and the National Association of Counties to invite city- and county-level teams to participate in the Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge.

The Challenge is an exciting initiative designed to accelerate systems-level approaches to improving community health over a two-year period (April 2020 through April 2022). We aim to do this by supporting selected communities through learning opportunities and one-on-one technical assistance from APHA and others.

The Challenge will provide grants and non-financial support to a cohort of 20 communities in New Jersey and eleven other states that are ready to change the way they work together across sectors; build resident leadership and power; and take collective action.

Together, we will work to reduce disparities in chronic disease outcomes and promote health equity through improved access to healthy foods and access to care.

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