Featured Video: Recovery Awareness Rock The Farm Benefit 2023


Recovery Awareness: Dept. Health and Human Svcs. · Find Support · Find Treatment · Phone# 988 · 988LifeLine.org · Rock The Farm Post-Addiction Benefit for Coming Full Circle/HealingUs.org: Donate

Recovery signals a dramatic shift in the expectation for positive outcomes for individuals who experience mental and substance use conditions or the co-occurring of the two.

Today, when individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders seek help, they are met with the knowledge and belief that anyone can recover and/or manage their conditions successfully. The value of recovery and recovery-oriented systems of care is widely accepted by states, communities, health care providers, peers, families, researchers, and advocates.

The Four Major Dimensions of Recovery
Health: Overcoming or managing one’s disease(s) or symptoms, and making informed, healthy choices that support physical and emotional well-being
Home: Having a stable and safe place to live
Purpose: Conducting meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school volunteerism, family caretaking, or creative endeavors, and the independence, income, and resources to participate in society
Community: Having relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope.

That Coming Full Circle (CFC) Relapse Prevention Program fills the gap after clinical treatment. We provide an all encompassing accountability program that helps keep you on track, fills your life with positive, passion inducing activities, and introduces you to a strong sober community. All of our programs are designed to change every aspect of your new life in recovery and keep you focused on the future.

EDITORS’ NOTE: Due to possible inclement weather, the September 23 2023 Rock The Farm benefit has been postponed.

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