Senior Caregiver “Doc In A Car” Now a Visiting Nurse Association Patient Himself

Source: Township Journal

After working into his 80s as a self-labeled “Doc in a Car” visiting homebound residents across northern New Jersey, Milton “Dr. Mickey” Mintz, now 94, receives home care himself. “Without the VNA, I’d have been lost just like the patients I used to visit,” said the retired physician.

A physical therapist from the Visiting Nurse Association of Northern NJ (VNA) helped Dr. Mickey walk again following a fall that resulted in a hip fracture. Soon after, a visiting nursing and physical therapy team helped him recover from heart surgery and regain his strength. VNA has also stepped in to help Joan, his wife, with medication management to ensure that essential meds aren’t missed or confused.

In fact, as VNA’s Medical Director, Dr. Mintz devoted more than a decade to helping its hospice patients realize their best possible quality of life.

“I’ve always been an advocate for home care to keep the elderly independent and away from hospitals and nursing homes. I made house calls since day one of my medical practice in 1954. That’s why I was delighted to get involved with VNA in my later years.”

More than 75% of Americans age 50+ want to age in place, according to an AARP survey. Yet other studies report that most people don’t plan ahead. Instead, they wait until an injury or serious illness impedes their ability to complete essential tasks.

If you’re a senior with immediate needs or an unpaid family caregiver for an elderly loved one, reach out to the Visiting Nurse Association of Northern NJ at or call 1-800 WE VISIT.

VNA, a leading, nonprofit provider of comprehensive home health care, elder care, caregiver support and hospice will provide a free, no obligation consultation including help determining eligibility for services under Medicare, Medicaid, private health and long-term care insurance plans, free and reduced fee grant-funded programs, or on a private pay basis.

Editor’s Note: Mickey “Doc In A Car” Mintz was the subject of one of the very first stories posted at YourHHRS News 10 years ago.

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