Featured Video: Yoga Health Awareness


Yoga Health Awareness: Yoga Alliance.org · Health Benefits · New Jersey Yoga Collective · New Jersey Yoga Zone

Sources: New Jersey Patch; HopkinsMedicine.org

Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain. The American College of Physicians recommends yoga as a first-line treatment for chronic low back pain.

Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthier hearts. Several of the factors contributing to heart disease, including high blood pressure and excess weight, can also be addressed through yoga.

Certified yoga instructors at the Hospital for Special Surgery host free pain & stress management classes over the phone with guided meditation sessions and gentle movement designed to reduce the physical and mental stressors that often accompany pain.

Mind-Body Workshop: Join us to learn a variety of mind-body techniques to cope with chronic pain and stress. These techniques will focus on both breath and movement to help reduce the physical and mental stressors that often accompany pain. Meets over the phone on the first Monday of every month at 12:45 pm.

Mindful Breathing & Meditation Workshop: Learn how breathing practices can help to reduce chronic pain and stress by engaging in a guided meditation session to help restore a sense of clarity and calmness. Meets over the phone on the third Thursday of every month at 4:00 pm.

– There is also a weekly Mindful Breathing group call that meets every Monday evening at 6:00 pm.

If you’re interested, please email subhits @ hss. edu, or call 212-774-2647 and leave a message with your name.

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