$10K Deductible Needs To Be Paid To Receive Life-Saving Surgery

By: Robert “Bobby Leatherlungs” Lucas (GoFundMe.com)

Photo of Lauren Soto

Lauren Soto was one of the first people to ever receive Gastric Bypass surgery for weight Loss in 1993. She has since then suffered a severe Diaphragmatic Hiatal Hernia. Her two stomachs from the gastric bypass, as well as other foreign objects, are now in her chest cavity, causing Cardiac and Pulmonary Compression in her heart and lungs.

It is nearly impossible for Lauren to breathe. A 90 Day supply of Albuterol inhaler only lasts Lauren one month. In between, she needs to use a nebulizer up to 5 times a day. To make matters worse, the doctors that did her gastric bypass used a Prolene Mesh, which could fuse into her heart or other organs. Now, due to the passage of time, she has suffered another hernia under the right chest area, which most likely has a piece of her pancreas in it.

Lauren has been trying to have surgery to reverse the problem for five years now. No less than five In-Network surgeons have turned her down because the surgery is very dangerous. She has finally found a team of doctors and surgeons who are willing to help, but she needs to raise the $10,000 deductible before they will operate.

Yes, you read that correctly: They will not perform her surgery until she first pays the $10,000 deductible.

So myself (a long-time family friend) and her loving family are humbly asking for your help with donations. Lauren and her husband Bill are not people who ask others for financial help — but if Lauren does not get this surgery, it’s only a matter of time before her chest cavity ruptures due to overcrowding of the heart and lungs.

Time Is Of The Essence: Lauren is literally is a ticking time-bomb. Would you please consider helping Lauren? Any amount helps…Thank You!


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