2019 In Review: The Year’s Top News Stories And Awards

PART ONE More of 2019’s most noteworthy stories: The U.S. Department of Labor and Social Security Administration National Disability Employment Awareness Month? We agree with with DJ, blogger, and Rock Against Dystrophy founder John “Turbo” Shatesky: Such a mouthful when #RockYourDisability gets right to the point! And at the risk of taking it too literally, […]

Rock Against Dystrophy Raises $4K; Light of Day Parkinson’s Disease Golfing Benefit

Sources: Rock Out Muscular Dystrophy; GolfForeParkinsons.com On behalf of hosts John “Turbo” and Josh “Jay Scorpion” Shatesky, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association, it’s time to officially say thank you: our Rock Against Dystrophy (RAD) tenth anniversary show raised $4,000. That would not have been possible with The Headliner club in Neptune New Jersey, giving us […]