Rock Against Dystrophy 2020 Accepting Donations for Merchandise



After celebrating our ten-year anniversary last year, we were ready to literally crank things up to eleven for this year’s attempt to Rock Out to Knock Out Muscular Dystrophy.

Back in April, we informed everyone that we had to put things on hold for our annual Rock Against Muscular Dystrophy All Star benefit show. It wasn’t how we were hoping to start things for 2020 — but as we know now, everyone has had their plans for 2020 changed.

We’ve watched what’s been going on with the virus, spoken with colleagues within the music industry and the All-Stars as well, and are sorry to announce that Rock Against Dystrophy 2020 is cancelled due to ongoing concern with the Covid19 virus.

Ir was a very tough decision for us but it’s the best decision for everyone as our concern is the health and well being of the All Stars, local bands, venue staff, event staff, volunteers, and most important, YOU!

For Rock Against Dystrophy 2020, we have set up an online store offering signature “Rock On, Stay Strong” merchandise designed by Joey James Hernandez, with proceeds to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

We thank you for your continued support.

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