Safety tips for surviving the summer heat

Source: GMN Health
To some, summer is the most enjoyable time of year, marked by shorter hours at the office and family vacations. For kids, summer is a time when homework is set aside in favor of rest and relaxation.
As enjoyable as summer can be, there are many people who, come the end of August, are glad to see summer nearing its end. Such people may enjoy cold weather or may simply find their tolerance for high temperatures and humid afternoons is starting to wear thin.
Regardless of one’s personal opinion about summer, the often unforgiving climate synonymous with this time of year is a considerable safety risk for people of all ages.Temperatures approaching or exceeding the triple digits coupled with intense humidity can be dangerous, and it’s important that men, women and children emphasize safety.
Check the temperature of surfaces before sitting on them. Brief contact with your hand is not likely to result in a burn, and you should be able to gauge whether a seat is safe to sit on or too hot. Parents should always check their children’s car seats before placing youngsters in the car. If seats are too hot, cover them with a towel before sitting down.
Be sure to keep your car locked so kids are not tempted to climb in on hot summer days. Whether they’re seeking a respite from the hot summer sun or simply playing with friends, kids might climb into cars which can put youngsters in precarious positions, especially if the vehicle’s windows are rolled up. Cars can quickly turn into ovens during the summer swoon, and kids can easily succumb to the heat if they climb into an unattended vehicle on a hot day.
Limit strenuous activities. Adults may find summer is the ideal time to get outdoors and go for a run or enjoy a little sun-soaked exercise. Heat stroke and dehydration are very real possibilities when adults and kids overextend themselves on hot days, so keep physical activity to a minimum on especially hot days or schedule activities for those times in the day when the temperature is more amenable to activity.
Stay hydrated. On days when the summer heat is especially hot, be sure to drink plenty of water even if you don’t feel thirsty. The body’s cooling system can fail in extreme heat or when conditions outside are especially humid, leaving men, women and children susceptible to dehydration. One way to gauge if you are drinking enough water is to look at the color of your urine — if it’s a darker color, then you likely need to drink more water. Dizziness, an elevated heart rate and nausea are each symptoms of dehydration, particularly on hot days.
The end of summer means cooler weather is just around the corner. But heat can be very dangerous, and men, women and children should take precautions so a summer heat wave does not take a potentially dangerous toll on them.

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