Featured video: Youth Speaks Project


The Youth Speaks Project:
A personal story about living with Type 2 Diabetes

http://TheBiggerPicture.orgType 2 Diabetes Medical Information
The Bigger Picture is a collaboration between Youth Speaks and the University of California San Francisco Center for Vulnerable Populations; designed to combat the rising epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes by empowering youth to change the conversation about the disease, and work to change the social and environmental factors that have led to its spread.
We aim to inspire young people to challenge and name the institutional, environmental and social causes of Type 2 Diabetes. It is our hope that by raising their voice, taking action and joining the conversation they will inevitably alter the trajectory of the disease, and provide youth with a virtual platform, and real life performance opportunities for their stories to be heard.
As an added incentive, we are offering $14,000 in educational scholarships to reward young people who make exceptional statements to persuade others to join the conversation, or who take direct action against this epidemic.

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